Words to live by

Isn’t it amazing how one simple word can change your outlook? Has this happened to you? For instance, the word “happy”… doesn’t it just make you all warm inside? Or maybe it instills a sense of longing. Perhaps a lighter outlook on life impresses upon your mind.
It’s the same with me… words have always moved me. I guess that’s why I owned a “word” business for 10 years creating personalized lettering to stick to the walls, and the hearts, of my clients.
Years ago, I looked around my house and found it bare. The walls empty of the things that I loved and cherished. Why?? I not only wanted my kids to be reminded of the wonderful, but I needed to be and I hoped that my guests would be, as well. There was no excuse for living beneath what brought me joy.
So, first, I hung pictures that meant something. No use hanging something on your walls to be seen everyday that doesn’t move you. This is YOUR house and an opportunity to display what you believe.
Second, I was brave. I love daisies. Why not plaster them on my wall? Why not tell the world (or at least those who entered my front door) that flowers make me happy? The response was amazing! 7 years later I am still getting comments, almost daily, of how happy my house makes people feel.
Third, I gathered my family and brainstormed the perfect motto for us. It now sits amongst the daisies in declaring what makes us happy and what makes us tick.
The words are a daily reminder of what is truly important to us. A declaration of the way we choose to live and show up in the world.
Of these three changes I made, the one with the most impact has been the words. More people enter my home and stand reading our family motto than looking at the pictures or even talking to me 🙂
The power of a word or a phrase can be life changing. Remember the first time somebody told you, “I love you”? Oh, the thrill. What about “you look beautiful today”? What about the words you use? “I have missed you”, “you are the greatest blessing in my life”, “you are worth it”. Can you imagine the effect on our children if these are the words they hear everyday?
Let’s make it a challenge… make it a commitment… to let your children hear the words in your heart. The effect will be palpable. They will come to understand the power of a word.
So, change it up… hang pictures that mean something, infuse things on the walls and around your home that make you happy, and discover the power of words in your family. This is a surefire formula to finding joy in your life… filling your surroundings (and your lives) with the things that matter most.
Click below to save your spot for our upcoming free mini-course on how to create your own, personalized family motto. You’re going to love it! Words to live by!
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