You are ready for a break! You are overwhelmed and tired! You hardly connect with your kids because you are either SO busy or your kids prefer texting over talking! Your house is a disaster most of the time and you feel paralyzed!
We know how you feel. We designed this retreat just for you. Here are the chosen topics for these life-changing 3 days! Come and experience the connection.
We believe in God. We believe He has a huge interest in who we are being, what we are doing and how we are feeling. For these reasons, we’ll strengthen your faith in Him, provide real life tools to feel His influence in your life and celebrate the joy it brings. There is hope when we put first things first. Sometimes we just need the help to do that… and we can show you how.
Non- denominational in nature. Based on Christian values and principles.
Do you ever wonder why you do what you do? Is that ever blurry in your mind? We believe there is purpose in all that we do… especially when you’re raising a family. When you know WHY you do something, you stick with it HAPPILY and FAITHFULLY. Your purpose provides strength and joy. We will help you find or rediscover the purpose in your life. You’ll leave focused and relieved.
With our family members going in every direction, connection can be difficult. The fact is…you need each other. Your kids aren’t in your home forever. We’ve got your covered. We’ll give you tools to connect with your family AND yourself. If we’re (you and I) not being intentional about what we do everyday, chances are there will be unintentional negative results. If you miss your kids and they are sitting in the same room, this is for you! If you miss your own “alone time”, this is for you! Connect now!
I sat on a curb (in a parking lot… I don’t just typically hang out on curbs :)) one day with my head in my hands. A friend stopped and asked what was wrong. My answer… “where’s the joy?”. I wasn’t feeling it and I was done! If this is you, then come to this retreat! You will leave a happier person! You will leave empowered to bring joy to your home life, family members, friends, and yourself. We’ll give you support, new friendships, and tools to keep you focused on the HAPPY… so you never wind up on a curb!:)
There will be plenty of time to relax and enjoy the view. I find myself totally rejuvenated and ready to face life again when I’ve taken care of myself. I know it’s hard to put yourself first, put this is your chance to refill your bucket. To strengthen your reserves. To laugh, play and relax with like-hearted new friends, as well as on your own. Don’t miss this opportunity to give yourself your very own “MOTHER’S DAY GIFT”!
Oh, there are some good ones!!! Surprises. Adventures. Uplifting activities. Home-related support. ETC. We want you to leave here being thrilled you came and absolutely empowered to live a more faith-filled, purposeful, connected and joyful life. YOU’LL be SO glad you came!